Business Cards & Flyer
Work done: Branding, Business Cards & Flyers
3fourteen is a worker-owned and holacratically-operated tech cooperative that I help form in 2015 that is based in Little Rock, AR. This means that all worker-owners at 3fourteen have an equal share in the success and an equal voice in the future of our company.
As a cooperative, we feel that it is of the utmost importance to foster a work environment that is conducive to both collective action and individual autonomy, while also encouraging efficiency and innovation. For this reason, we have adopted Holacracy, a form of distributed management within an organization.
The worker-owned cooperative movement has grown significantly within the last decade, but for the most part, has had a relatively small influence in the tech industry. Techworker.coop currently has 23 registered worker-owned cooperatives, making 3fourteen one of the few tech cooperatives in the country and the only tech cooperative in Arkansas. (Yes, we’re proud of that.)
In essence, we believe that workplace democracy and innovation go hand in hand.
Along with a strong ethos and company purpose, our team also has a diverse set of skills and experience. From web development, to graphic design, we can help you represent your organization, business, or yourself online. Collectively, we have experience with SEO, web design, web development, branding strategy, content creation, app development, digital marketing, and more.